Luka Dobrota Camernik

Backend Developer, Berlin, Germany
What are you looking for in a new position?

I am most of all looking for challenging and fun environment to work in.

Are you a full stack developer?

I am backend developer, I can work with full stack (LAMP - Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP or other similar stacks).
I also work with fixing/creating from existing HTML and CSS templates, create "DevOps" configurations (Docker or bare-metal servers).

What technologies do you work with?

Backend: My favorite language is PHP, although Golang is slowly becoming close second. I always believed that each language has best use cases.
I like to keep up-to-date with PHP, Golang, Python and Java and I like to keep an eye on others to see what is the direction they are taking it.
Database: my favorite is MySQL although I have used SQLite in the past when MySQL would have been overkill.
Frontend: I prefer Vanilla HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript.
Other tools I use: Docker, IntelliJ Suite (PHPStorm, Goland, etc..), PHPUnit, Codeception, Linux.

Would you relocate?

Currently I am not open for relocation, I only accept Berlin, Germany offers for now.

Do you have GitHub?

I do not use GitHub, I use Bitbucket since it has free private projects and Github charges for that.
You can view all my public projects on the left under "Projects" or here

Are you open for phone call?

I prefer to do things over E-Mail, it's easier to track what happened and when it happened.
It's also asynchronous, so I can work and still answer questions when I find the time.
If you think Phone call is more beneficial or there is something you can't do over E-Mail, just send me an E-Mail when you want the phone call to happen (Monday - Friday between 12:00 - 19:00)

Can I get your CV?

Sure you can download it here (if you click it, it will start download and remain on this page) or view it here.